CMC Airdrop
Welcome to RingFi Select Airdrop in collaboration with CoinMarketCap.
Duration | 16 Days (8 April 2022 to 23 April 2022) Amount for Airdrop | 11,000 RING worth +$50,000 Number of Winners | 500
All actions must be performed through CMC https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ring/ The current status is pending, please be patient until the campaign is approved.

🎉 To Participate you must:

1️⃣ Add $RING to your Watchlist | 1 Ticket https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ring/
2️⃣ Follow these Twitter Accounts | 1 Ticket https://twitter.com/ringfiprotocol https://twitter.com/CoinMarketCap
3️⃣ Add RING/BNB to Favorites in Dextools | 1 Ticket https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0x78e2b2e442af78bb48339f3c74e58106c98d590b
4️⃣ Join RingFi Discord Server and say hi | 1 Ticket https://discord.gg/ringfi
5️⃣ Join RingFi Telegram Group and say hi | 1 Ticket https://t.me/ringfiofficial
7️⃣ Follow RingFi on Medium | 1 Ticket https://medium.com/@ringfi
⭐️ Buy and Hold 10 RING | 1 Ticket
🌟 Buy and Hold 100 RING | 10 Tickets


-Users must perform all tasks specified to be eligible for consideration for the airdrop. -Meeting the contest prerequisites does not guarantee success. -CoinMarketCap will only collect participants’ information (with consent) and list details of the airdrop campaign. -RingFi is the solely responsible for the selection and distribution of assets to the winners.
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🎉 To Participate you must: